- 撇开这些怨言不谈,人们确实明显感觉到事情正向好的方向发展。
- Such gripes aside , there is a clear sense that things are improving .
- 乌坎村的村民肯定不是唯一表达不满的人群。
- Wukan 's villagers are certainly not alone in expressing their gripes .
- 他们最大的不满不是那些商界普遍关心的问题,如缺乏好员工或高成本。
- Their biggest gripes have nothing to do with typical business concerns , such as the availability of good staff or high costs .
- 例如,某个经理可能会听到这样的报怨,团队中的一员,约翰,常常偷鸡摸狗,没有负起他该负的责任,被控诉的过失包括:错过最后限期,开会时准备不周,或是没有适时回应电子邮件。
- For example , a manager might hear grumblings that one team member , john , isn 't holding his own weight and is a " slacker . " John is charged with missing deadlines , showing up unprepared for some meetings and not responding promptly to e-mail .
- 不过由于灾后补偿和重建的延误,百姓怨声载道。
- But then grumblings grew over delays in compensation and reconstruction .
- 关于食品价格通胀人们怨声载道,大超市的零售商们被劝说减少主要商品的利益空间。
- Amid grumblings about food-price inflation , the big supermarket retailers have been persuaded to reduce profit margins on certain staples .