- 生活充满了令人惊讶的事。
- Life is full of surprises .
- 你的散步充满了插曲。
- Your walks were full of incidents .
- 而这些单元目前都是满的。
- Those units are currently full .
- 他的嘴顿时灌满了鲜血。
- Immediately , his mouth filled with blood .
- 宽体客机坐满了富裕的伊朗人。
- The wide-body jet was filled with well-off iranian people .
- 中学满是错误的决定和波动的荷尔蒙分泌。
- Middle school was filled with bad decisions and fluctuating hormones .
- 这些小小的叶子里满是止咳的化合物。
- Those tiny leaves are packed with cough-relieving compounds .
- 在最近的一个周四晚上,这个区域坐满了客人。
- The area was packed on a recent thursday evening .
- 鸡尾酒休息室里早已挤满了人,寿司台也经常围满了。
- The cocktail lounge is overflowing and the sushi bar is packed .
- 这些人什么时候才能满足?
- Will they ever be satisfied ?
- 布鲁克林和皇后区已经让他满足了。
- He was satisfied with brooklyn and queens .
- 对你的工作不满意?
- Not satisfied with your job ?