- 小说家是一种特殊的畜生。
- Novelists are a special breed .
- 所以新的品种更能卖上高的价位。
- The new breed is more upmarket .
- 没有其他犬种可以与之匹价。
- No other dog breed can compete its pricing .
- 我们今天会创建它吗?
- Would we create it today ?
- 创建自己的谷歌搜索引擎。
- Create a google custom search engine .
- 科学家会创造出人造生命吗?
- Will scientists create artificial life ?
- 只要算出你每天需要摄入多少大卡热量,用你以磅作单位的理想体重乘以14便可得到。
- To work out just how many calories you can eat daily , multiply your ideal body weight in pounds by 14 .
- 核辐射能破坏人体的自然免疫机制,使得癌细胞可以大量繁殖。
- Radiation exposure can disrupt the body 's natural control mechanisms and allow cancer cells to multiply .
- 癌细胞不是有组织有计划地进行复制并形成正常组织,而是疯狂地繁殖。
- Instead of replicating to an organised plan and forming normal tissue , cancer cells multiply madly .
- 而在背后他们又喜欢传播整个事件说他们正在为营救海外受苦的每个人而努力着。
- But they like to propagate the myth that they 're beavering away behind the scenes for every person in distress overseas .
- 鼠标一点就能转移数十亿美元的便利可以迅速带来利润,但它也让动荡以前所未有的速度传播。
- The facility to transfer billions at the click of a mouse may allow ever-quicker profits , but it also makes shocks propagate faster .
- 只有一种哲学,一种思想体系,一种准宗教可供人们自由地信仰和传播。
- There is only one philosophy one ideology one quasi-religion that people are free to profess and to propagate .