- 这是一种稀释溶液。
- This is a dilute solution .
- 解决方案是使用中继器。
- The solution was having repeaters .
- 你可以在这些溶液里泡2~3件衬衫。
- You can do two to 3 shirts for this much of solution .
- 到6月1日华盛顿州放手全部烈酒业务,自禁酒令以后,该州的私营企业头一次可以自由销售酒精性饮料。
- By june 1st washington will be out of the liquor business altogether , freeing private businesses to sell spirits in the state for the first time since prohibition .
- 他说,一些人几年前还受不了这种高粱酿造的烈酒味道,如今白酒开始赢得他们的喜爱。
- Baijiu is now gaining traction with audiences who had years ago never been able to appreciate the taste of the sorghum-based liquor , he said .
- 上周,华盛顿州开始拍卖它经营的167家烈酒商铺经营许可证。
- Last week the state of washington began auctioning the licences to 167 of the liquor stores it runs .
- 鱿鱼为什麽要先汆烫后再炒?
- Why scald squid before frying ?
- 烫伤后总不好我的性别是男。
- The scald queen is always not good .
- 慢慢地喝,当心别烫了嘴。
- Drink slowly , take care not to scald the mouth .
- 可能有两个水中娃娃,但那其实是布兰奇的个人表演.
- There may have been two aqua dolls , but it was really the blanche show .
- 到2013年,能提供较aqua更多更为详尽信息的土壤水份主动及被动卫星将为项目带来一次推动。
- In 2013 , the project will get a boost from the soil moisture active and passive satellite , which will provide information at a much more detailed scale than aqua .
- 土壤质量溶于王水的痕量元素的提取。
- Soil quality-extraction of trace elements soluble in aqua regia .