- 在明天出版的《行为生态学》杂志上发表的这一研究实验中,科学家们在莱斯特的梅尔顿布鲁克小溪捕获了270条九刺鱼。
- In the experiment , reported in tomorrow 's issue of the journal behavioral ecology , scientists caught 270 nine-spined sticklebacks from the melton brook in leicestershire .
- 白天,croyde就像承载着一切美好的巧克力盒子,随处可见的茅草屋、随风摇曳的蜀葵和沿着圣玛丽道静静流淌的小溪。
- By day , croyde is a chocolate box , with thatched cottages , swaying hollyhocks and a babbling brook flowing down st mary 's road .
- 许多树叶已经落了下来,当时这张图片抢拍了铺以地毯的森林地面和垫以褥草的小溪。
- Many of the leaves had already fallen when this picture was snapped carpeting the forest floor and littering the little brook .
- 我笑着回答了嘲笑和赛车的汗水沿着我的脖子边的溪流上抹去。
- I replied with a scoffing laugh and wiped at a rivulet of sweat racing down the side of my neck .
- 除了在广漠旷野,在那些旷野的重大骚乱外,还有什地方,新的强烈生命力的涓涓细流能够突然开始流动?
- Where else but in wide expanses , and in major upheavals in those expanses , could a tiny rivulet of new intensity suddenly start to flow ?
- 它使人想起平静的溪流,蜿蜒流淌过绿茵牧场,浓荫遮蔽,最后注入烟波浩渺的大海。
- It reminds you of a placid rivulet , meandering smoohtly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees , till at last it falls into the vasty sea .