- 这些队伍将用来压制在海湾的暴动。
- These are expected to keep insurgents at bay .
- 亚龙湾上也有另一种生活。
- Yalong bay also has another life .
- 远处的宁静海湾,闪烁、无边。
- Glimmering and vast , out in the tranquil bay .
- 看看那些波斯湾国家就知道了。
- Look at the persian gulf states .
- 即使海湾产油国也受到了影响。
- Even gulf oil producers have been affected .
- 墨西哥湾原油泄漏:油上哪去了?
- Gulf oil spill : where has the oil gone ?
- 现在当你弯曲香烟的时候,它就不会折断。
- So now when you bend a cigarette it won 't break .
- 臀部以下向前弯曲,使您的胳膊向双脚的方向伸展。
- Bend forward from your hips and stretch your arms toward your feet .
- 他摸着了自己的刀,但是他忘记了自己的手指根本不能弯曲。
- But he had forgotten that he could not bend his fingers .
- 乌蛟腾位于新界东北部,不属于船湾郊野公园范围,是本港物种最丰盛的低地丛林之一。
- Wu kau tang , located in the northeastern new territories and excluded from the plover cove country park , is one of the most species rich lowland forest sites in hong kong .
- 后来我们沿着海岸线划船,一直到斯迪金冰原北端的风景湾和巴埃特冰川,这是在洪积纪时代曾经覆盖北美的巨大冰盖的残存。
- We went out for a paddle up the coast headed toward scenery cove and baird glacier , at the northern edge of the stikine ice field , a remnant of the once vast ice sheets that covered much of north america in the pleistocene epoch .
- 在记录了该镇捕猎和屠杀海豚的影片公映之后,迫于越来越强的国际压力,渔民现在用油布遮盖在所谓的“杀手湾”上,隐藏了他们的屠宰工作,挡住了公众视线。
- Under increasing international pressure following the release of a film documenting the capture and slaughter of dolphins in the town , the fishermen now conceal their work from the public by fixing tarpaulin across the so-called " killer cove "