- 张翔和他的同事制造的超材料却可以让可见光发生弯曲,这是一项巨大的挑战,因为可见光波长非常之小,仅在700纳米以下。
- Xiang and his colleagues created metamaterials that can bend visible light backward-a much greater challenge because visible light waves are so small , under 700 nanometers wide .
- 国有媒体报道说,本周倒闭的小企业之一是浙江祥源钢业有限公司。
- One of the businesses that closed this week was zhejiang xiang yuan steel industry co. , state media said .
- 向竹伟,图书的编辑,这样描述这种多米诺效应。
- Xiang zhuwei , the book 's editor , describes the domino effect .
- 此外hsn公司的格罗斯曼,最失败的大概包括劳姆巴蒂公司和barnesandnoble.com网的首席财务师约瑟夫j,其总赔偿2452109美元,和ediets.com的总裁巴迪凯文麦格拉思,他损失了1732652美元。
- Besides hsn 's grossman , the biggest compensation losers included joseph j. lombardi , chief financial offer with barnesandnoble.com , whose total compensation declined by $ 2452109 ; and kevin mcgrath , ceo of ediets.com , who took a hit of $ 1732652 .
- 为了吸引美国顾客,公司每年在美国居家购物网(HSN)上进行3次推广活动。
- To attract u.s. customers , feldman , whose office is in norwalk , conn. , makes three appearances a year on hsn .
- 而且我也从来没有看过HSN频道。
- And I had never watched hsn .