- 驯鹿在亚马尔半岛上往来迁徙。
- Reindeer migration across the yamal peninsula .
- 最后的误解是什么刺激了迁徙。
- The final misconception is about what motivates migration .
- 开始迁移前设置您成功的标准。
- Before starting the migration set your success criteria .
- 流浪音乐家、哑剧表演更带来了狂欢精神。
- Wandering musicians and mimes bring a carnival spirit .
- 你是否记得你有多少次坐在电脑前为了去查找某个具体知识的相关内容,发现自己毫无目的的漫游了几个小时,忘记你原本的意图。
- How often have you experienced that you sit in front of your computer to search on a specific topic and find yourselves wandering for hours , losing your focus .
- 几个小时以后,我们找到了在维加斯街头流浪的萎靡不振的莫里斯。
- A couple of hours later , we found maurice wandering the vegas strip .
- 当火车头在相对恒定速度下前进或者空转时,这时电池就为马达提供能量,柴油发动机不工作。
- When the locomotive is traveling at a constant speed or idling , the battery rather than the diesel engine can power the motor .
- 如果奥巴马希望开动美国闲置的就业机器,他还必须做出更多努力来修复政府与企业界之间受损的关系。
- If he wants to fire up the idling us job machine , he will also have to do more to repair his administrations damaged relationship with corporate america .
- 在车库里空转一辆车,即使车库门开着,也很危险,可让司机受到一氧化碳和其他有毒气体威胁。
- Idling a car in a garage , even with the door open , is dangerous and exposes the driver to carbon monoxide and other noxious gases .
- 平板电脑很适合旅行使用。
- Tablets are good for travel .
- 你要乘汽车去旅行吗?
- Will you travel by bus ?
- 旅行勒令看起来毫无意义。
- The travel edict looks pointless .