- 闻名世界的美军第82空降师目前仍在阿富汗执行任务。
- The 82nd airborne is a world famous division of the us army and they are currently serving a tour of duty in afghanistan .
- 英国网球选手穆雷由于腹股沟拉伤,已经退出了atp世界巡回赛年终总决赛,现世界排名第九的塞尔维亚选手蒂普萨勒维奇将取代他的位置参加a组的循环赛。
- Great britain 's andy murray has withdrawn from the barclays atp world tour finals due to a groin strain , and will be replaced by world no. 9 janko tipsarevic of serbia in round robin group a.
- 我还想到,意大利的火车停靠站带你经过全世界最出名的食物名与酒名:下一站,帕尔玛(parma)……
- It occurs to me , too , that the train stops of italy are a tour through the names of the world 's most famous foods and wines : next stop , parma ......