- 但所有这些例子夸大了这一问题。
- But all these examples exaggerate the problem .
- 批评人士夸大了这一任务的难度。
- Critics exaggerate the difficulty of this task .
- 在其他人对自己的有点夸大其词的时候,分析型人士却不能够。
- While others may exaggerate their positive traits , the analytical person does not .
- 球队今天发挥的不是很理想。
- The team didn 't play up to its best today .
- 在足球比赛中,打前锋位置的人得分最多。
- In football the players who play up front get the most goals .
- 我们定期在比尔盖茨家打牌,一般从下午两点开始,晚餐时间休息一会儿,然后继续打,晚上11点钟结束。
- We play up at bill gates 's house periodically and those games will start at 2 in the afternoon break for dinner then finish at 11 at night .
- 随着失业率继续攀升,房价持续走低,贷款违约率已超过历史模型的范围,致使许多美国银行使用的用以预测损失的电脑模型失效。
- As unemployment continued to rise and house prices kept falling , the rate of defaults has surpassed historic norms , rendering many of the computer models used by us banks to predict losses useless .
- 他认为,不合理的规则最终会致使系统安全性降低:用户最终得把密码写下来,保存在一个地方,可惜的是,这个保存地方很容易被发现。
- He said unreasonable rules can end up rendering a system less secure : users end up writing down passwords and storing them in places that can be readily discovered .
- 2年后赛尔在苏门答腊中部的占碑布吉国家公园再次被村民捉住,后来被socp非常老练的团队发现,情况却相当的糟糕,右腿有一道40厘米长的伤口,身体里还有62颗气枪子弹,包括它的双眼,致使它失明。
- Two years later leuser was captured by villagers near jambi 's bukit tigapuluh national park in central sumatra . He was found by a socp veterinary team in a very bad condition , with a 40cm cut on his right leg and 62 air rifle pellets in his body , including in both eyes , rendering him blind