play up基本解释
努力; 积极地比赛;夸大;为…做广告
play up的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The team didn 't play up to its best today .
- 球队今天发挥的不是很理想。
- In football the players who play up front get the most goals .
- 在足球比赛中,打前锋位置的人得分最多。
- We play up at bill gates 's house periodically and those games will start at 2 in the afternoon break for dinner then finish at 11 at night .
- 我们定期在比尔盖茨家打牌,一般从下午两点开始,晚餐时间休息一会儿,然后继续打,晚上11点钟结束。
- I don 't have to play up that stuff .
- 我并没有渲染这个东西。
- I wish you wouldn 't play up your small injuries .
- 我希望你不要大肆张扬你的小伤。
- We quickly sense how others view us and play up to these expectations .
- 我们能迅速体会到别人是如何看待我们的,并且不自主地去迎合这种看法。
- She likes to play up her part in the deal .
- 她喜欢在交易中强调自己的作用。
- Shopping addicts are especially vulnerable right now because retailers play up the hysteria of limited chances at bargain prices .
- 购物狂现在特别的脆弱,因为零售商在讨价还价中鼓吹机会难得。
- Depend on him to play up to the full his own part in reaching the settlement .
- 在达成这项解决办法时,要靠他充分发挥自己的作用。
- Play up to your strengths . Listen twice as much as you talk .
- 发挥你自己的长处,多听少说。