- 残留物水平是未知的,因为烧烤痕迹尚未被分离出来单独进行检验。
- The levels of residue are unknown , since grill marks have not been isolated for testing .
- 许多驶向澳大利亚的船舶所使用的廉价燃料是从原油精炼后的残渣中提炼而来。
- Many ships visiting australia use cheap fuels derived from the residue of the crude oil refining process .
- 缺点是垃圾生成的合成气体中所含的大量的焦油状残渣会把涡轮机粘住。
- The hitch is that syngas from waste is full of tarry residue that tends to gum up the turbine .
- 他将一种一直在变化的类如奶酪产品残渣的沉淀物组合,榨苹果酸所剩的苹果纤维残渣,以及任何能从意大利获得的多余水果调配在一起。
- He blended together an ever-changing combination of dregs , like leftovers from cheese production , the fibrous remains of apples that had been pressed for cider , and whatever surplus fruit he could acquire from italy .
- 英特尔公司的westmere处理器可能此时正徘徊在处理器工业的渣滓中,将集成了图像群的芯片嵌入到处理器中,但是他们希望成长和高速度。
- Intel 's westmere cpus may be hanging around with the dregs of processor society at the moment , chucking their chips in with the integrated graphics crowd , but they 're about to grow up and fast .
- 一般而言,骨材被划分为固体废弃物,如废旧钢条,废铁丝,各式废旧钢铁杂件,废弃金属管道,废旧木头,锯末刨花,泥土,沉渣等。
- Generally speaking , the aggregate is included in some solid wastes , such as waste steel bars , waste iron wires , various waste steel accessories , metal pipeline wastes , waste wood , saw dust and shavings , mud , dregs and so on .
- 三角洲周围的棕褐色水体则是泥沙淤积的结果。
- The tan-colored waters around the river delta are full of sediment .
- 浅色的房顶和绿色植被、棕色土地形成强烈对比,洪水也呈现泥沙的颜色。
- The light-colored rooftops of residences and other structures contrast sharply with green vegetation and brown , sediment laden floodwaters .
- 有了河道,河水就会定期泛滥,卷带着泥沙形成肥沃的土壤。
- The channeling led to periodic flooding that deposited sediment over broad areas , building up rich soil .
- 在较贫穷的国家,很多宠物仍然依赖餐桌上的残羹剩饭为生,狗粮本身就是一种奢侈品。
- In poorer countries , many pets often still live off table scraps , making dog food itself a luxury product .
- 我们不会接受一种社会现实其中,一些个人拥有大量财富,而其他人则被迫从垃圾中寻找残渣冷汁.
- We would never accept a society reality in which some individuals possessed vast riches while others were forced to scrounge for scraps amid the refuse .
- 他们还有一些以前的面包渣.
- They had some scraps earlier .
- 垃圾使得每个人的生活变得糟糕。
- Trash makes everyone 's life worse off .
- 扣篮在垃圾桶上我的膝盖。
- Dunking in trash cans on my knees .
- 当你离开的时候记得把垃圾带走。
- And take out the trash when you leave .
- 你准备要走了吗?你们这些废物待会见!
- Are you ready to go ? See you slags later !
- 在可控氧流冶金理念指导下发展了熔渣无污染短路电化学还原新方法。
- According to a new idea of the metallurgy with controlled oxygen flow , the unpolluted short circuit electrochemical reduction technique for molten oxide slags was developed .