- 还有许多偷渡者们会想方设法搭上前往意大利的渡轮。
- Many smuggled themselves on to lorries heading by ferry to italy .
- 目前还不清楚,有关轮渡公司交易的哪一点引起了调查人员的兴趣。
- It isn 't clear what specifically about the ferry transaction has piqued the interest of investigators .
- 载有290名乘客的坦桑尼亚渡轮在桑给巴尔岛附近沉没。
- A tanzanian ferry carrying 290 passengers sank near the island of zanzibar .
- 那些海滨大别墅现在大多已经关闭了,四周几乎没有灯火,除了海湾上一只渡船的幽暗、移动的灯光。
- Most of the big shore places were closed now and there were hardly any lights except the shadowy , moving glow of a ferryboat across the sound .
- 广州火车站渡轮地铁图片照片。
- Railway station ferryboat subway picture photo of guangzhou .
- 我曾指望我们也许能找到一个野渡口或者一座人行桥。
- I had hoped we might find an unofficial ferryboat crossing or footbridge .
- 上台前的最后几分钟常常使新演员很紧张。
- The last few minutes before going on stage scow new actors up .