- 若不妥善处理,血液和渗出物会于黄斑区积聚,破坏区内的感光细胞,最终导致不能弥补的视力受损。
- If untreated , the blood and the exudation accumulated over the macular region will damage the photoreceptor cells over there and eventually cause irreversible visual loss .
- 东海长期观测与研究整合计画:细菌生产力,浮植溶解有机碳分泌率及群聚呼吸率之研究。
- Long-term observation & experiments of the east china sea : the studies on heterotrophic bacterioplankton production , community respiration and phytoplankton exudation rates .
- 结论愈伤膏作为一种外用药对烫伤治疗可有效预防创面感染、少炎性渗出、进伤口愈合。
- Conclusion as an external used ointment , the yushang ointment can prevent injury infection , reduce inflammatory exudation and accelerate wound healing .
- 肋膜渗出液的电解质分析作为海水与淡水溺毙之指标。
- Electrolyte analysis of pleural effusion as an indicator of drowning in seawater and freshwater .
- 但大多数盆腔积液是由于炎症引起,即由慢性盆腔炎症渗出所致。
- But most of effusion is due to pelvic inflammation caused by chronic pelvic inflammatory disease that is caused by seepage .
- 静脉血管壁的胶原蛋白结构被减弱了,导致液体渗出流入到周围组织中。
- The collagen structure of the walls of veins is weakened , allowing effusion of fluid into the surrounding tissue .
- 当金属的覆盖层受到扎刺或划损时,受损区域的胶囊将会破裂并渗出具有恢复性的液体---三价铬钝化化合物。
- When the metal coating is punctured or scratched , the capsules in the damaged area burst and ooze restorative liquids , in the form of compounds called trivalent chromates .
- 然后抽出空气,水压将桩压入软泥中,如图2所示。
- The air is then pumped out and water pressure pushes the pile into the ooze , as shown in the second diagram .
- 捕蝇草利用能渗出花蜜的粉红叶子诱使苍蝇飞进陷阱。
- The venus flytrap lures flies into its trap with pink leaves that ooze nectar
- 当两人最初在一起时,彼此散发的神秘感使他们做什么都充满激情。
- When two people first get together , the mystery they each exude fuels everything they do .
- 个人展示与信息中应散发着积极的讯息,但是看到这些积极讯息的同时也要洞察到与机会并存的挑战与障碍。
- Exude positivity in your presentation and messaging , but temper your positivity with real-world insight into the challenges and hurdles that come with the opportunity .
- 同样,一个精雕细琢而高雅的网站也会散发着成功的气息,比设计杂乱笨拙的网站更能吸引潜在客户更进一步了解你们的营销信息。
- Similarly , a polished and elegant website can exude an image of success , luring potential clients to dig deeper into your marketing messages than they would with a cluttered and clumsy design .
- 响尾蛇的毒素是通过破坏组织结构引起内出血来生效的。
- Rattlesnake venom toxins work by breaking down tissues and causing internal bleeding .
- 这会引发过量的流血或增大瘀伤的几率。
- This can cause excessive bleeding or increased chance of bruising .
- 但是,这位年轻的妈妈在产后流血不止。
- But the young mother 's bleeding couldn 't be stopped .