- 医治青少年近视、弱视、远视、散光等青少年目力标题问题。
- Treat teenage myopia , amblyopia , far-sighted , astigmatism to wait for teenage vision problem .
- 答案是一系列愈益富有远见的举措,从拜访幼儿园到在大学里创办公司。
- The answer is a series of increasingly far-sighted measures that range from visiting kindergartens to creating companies inside universities .
- 本书并不完全赞同凯南反对美国过度军事化的方式,尽管这种反对出于长远考虑,但这样的方式却使他的人生事业较之于他的遗产稍显逊色。
- In ways that this biography seems not entirely to appreciate , kennan 's far-sighted opposition to american over-militarisation makes his personal career history less gripping than his legacy .