- 把清洁和烹饪变成冥想。
- Make cleaning and cooking become meditation .
- 随即,环境又开始变差,直到下一次清洗。
- Then immediately , the environment starts to degrade again until the next cleaning .
- 在清洗外面的机箱后,打开你的屏幕以让你的键盘出来。
- After cleaning the outer case , open your screen so that your keyboard is exposed .
- 全面的雷达导航的航路是过去半个世纪全世界大多数飞机在大多数机场所使用的方式。
- The sweeping radar-guided path is the one most airplanes have flown at most airports in the world through the past half-century .
- 这被称作是将近20年以来最为彻底的控枪提议。
- These were described as the most sweeping gun control proposals in almost 20 years .
- 奥巴马政府宣布了美国金融监管体系在近几十年中最彻底的变革。
- The obama administration announced the most sweeping changes to america 's financial regulatory system in decades .
- 不过大趋势十分清晰。
- But the trend is clear .
- 答案现在变得越来越清晰。
- The answers are becoming clear .
- 你会注意到你开始以一种非常清晰的思路在思考。
- You will notice that you start thinking in a very clear manner .
- 摆脱债务负担有可能是一个漫长而缓慢的过程。
- Getting rid of debt could be a long and slow process .
- 摆脱分区制是通向修正问题的道路的一步。
- Getting rid of zoning would be a step towards fixing the problem .
- 而对于公司来说,摆脱他们的老员工同样吸引力。
- To companies , getting rid of their oldest workers was also attractive .