- 或许又是时候和另一家网络合作了呢,pax还在考虑吗?
- Maybe it 's time for another network to get in the mix . Is pax still around ?
- 将所有原料放入搅拌机中混合。
- Mix everything in a blender .
- 通过向产品组合中加入其它资产并不能纾困。
- Adding other assets to the mix does not solve the dilemma .
- 危险在于,入侵者可能会发现系统存在的弱点,以此来迷惑或损害美国的军用飞机。
- The danger is that intruders might find weaknesses that could be exploited to confuse or damage u. s.military craft .
- 正确的名字但有一个“s”的后缀都会迷惑倒那个语法检查工具,还有更多。
- Proper names that end in an ' s ' also confuse the grammar checker , and that 's not all .
- 但投资者不应将当前的状况与完全的通缩混淆。
- Yet investors shouldn 't confuse current conditions with outright deflation .
- 允许各种数据创造性混合起来的各种网络协议,解释了互联网作为一种多媒体、多功能及多学科的创新环境,影响力为何一直无与伦比。
- Protocols permitting diverse data to mingle creatively explain why the internet 's influence as a multimedia , multifunctional and multidisciplinary environment for innovation remains unsurpassed .
- 许多人混杂在居住于泰国的大约百万名缅甸非法移民中。
- Many mingle among the million or so illegal burmese migrants living in thailand .
- 莫斯科安全部门保持高度警惕,身着便衣的美国安全人员同莫斯科警方混杂在一起。
- The security services in moscow are on high alert and plain-clothed american security men mingle with moscow police .
- 混浊水的声衰减研究进展及应用前景。
- Recent advance and application prospects of sound attenuation in turbid water .
- 除了可以赚钱外,还可以在这混浊的环境中把很多不快乐不知不觉中发泄出去。
- In addition to can make money , also in this turbid environment and make many unhappy imperceptibly to vent out .
- 有云浑浊大气中的臭氧及氧气的光离化系数。
- The photodissociation coefficients of oxygen and ozone in the cloudy turbid atmosphere .
- 凡事都往好处想很愚蠢。
- Hoping for the best is foolish .
- 然而,在欧元危机的蔓延间歇上下注,是十分愚蠢的行为。
- Yet it would be foolish to bet on an extended lull in the euro crisis .
- 尽管如此,如果英国当局进一步削弱kaupthing的资产,将是愚蠢的举动。
- Still , it would be foolish for the uk authorities to impair kaupthing 's assets further .
- 还有什么比这更愚蠢?
- What could be more stupid ?
- 他不是个愚蠢人,但他似乎在电视上装出愚蠢的样子。
- He isn 't a stupid man - but he seems to play one on tv .
- 里根显然是愚蠢的,且经常表现出惊人的无知但历史证明他是正确的。
- Reagan was apparently stupid and often startlingly ignorant but he was vindicated by history .
- 可能最紧迫的想法是将纳米-铝和大型铝颗粒混合。
- Perhaps the most immediate idea involves mixing nano-aluminum with larger aluminum particles .
- google是一个庞大的混合了邮件、办公生产力软件的系统。
- Google is a huge information system mixing mail & office productivity apps .
- 为了提高性能,他们试着把它与合金混合在一起。
- To improve its properties they tried mixing it with a combination of metals .
- 柠檬星,是的朱顶红的混合杂种,2007年首先出现在美国。
- The hybrid amaryllis known as lemon star first appeared in the united states in 2007 .
- 这是,至少可以说是对历史的一个大胆改写:选举投诉委员会阿富汗和国际社会的杂种走狗,卡尔扎侯先生曾试图夺取它的控制权,称已经发现了去年支持总统的工业规模舞弊证据。
- That was , to say the least , a bold rewriting of history : the election complaints commission , a hybrid afghan-international watchdog that mr karzai has tried to seize control of , found evidence of industrial-scale fraud last year in the president 's favour .
- 他这个吸血鬼狼人混血儿得赶紧回到神秘瀑布来,不然我们就没法知道泰勒的变身教程和卡洛琳(坎迪丝阿科拉)的父亲进展得怎么样了……
- He needs to get his hybrid butt back to mystic falls , or we 'll start to worry about how tyler 's transformation lessons with caroline 's ( candice accola ) father have been going ......