- 甚至那些十分深奥和专业的技术,如聚合连锁反应,都植根于原有的很多技术实践。
- Even abstruse and highly specialized technologies like polymerase chain reaction have their roots in the existing practices of other genres .
- 在加入美联储之前,格林斯潘经营着自己的经济咨询公司,在深奥的数据序列和统计方面积累了非凡的知识。
- Before joining the fed , he ran his own economic consultancy and developed a phenomenal knowledge of abstruse data series and statistics .
- 就经济政策的现实问题而言,凯恩斯倾向于运用常识,而非深奥的经济学理论。
- When it came to practical issues of economic policy , keynes preferred to appeal to common sense rather than abstruse economic theory .
- 这种深度,是6米。
- The depth is 6 meters .
- 在雨季水域面积为上述的三倍有余,在某些地方最深可达9米。
- In the wet season it more than doubles in area with a depth in some places of nine metres .
- 最重要的是,调查显示出贩毒和洗钱活动的范围之广、触角之深。
- More than anything , it has shown the reach and depth of the world 's drug-trafficking and money-laundering businesses .
- 他感到他的暖昧言词更趋晦涩难解了。
- He felt his enigmas were becoming too recondite .
- 她认为诗歌心该是日常生活的一部分,而非文人深奥的玄思。
- She believes that poetry should be part of the everyday , not a recondite preoccupation of academics .
- 这听起来晦涩难懂,但是它是视觉印刷准则中建立起来的整个书写语言历史中的准则。
- This may sound recondite but it is a visual imprint of principles established over the entire written history of a language .