- 美极了的肉直到只剩下那诚实的骨头。
- Fantastic flesh down to the honest bone .
- 美极了的肉直到只剩下那诚实的骨头。
- Fantastic flesh down to the honest bone .
- 但一个对遗骸骨折和身体姿势的研究表明了遇难者死于片刻间的热冲击,在熔浆沿着沙滩汹涌而来时,在4分钟之内覆盖了7英里长的沙滩。
- But a study of the bone fractures and the position of the remains , indicates that the fugitives died instantly from extreme thermal shock when the surge hurled down on the beach area , covering the seven miles to the coast in about four minutes.herculaneumwas baked in seconds .
- 故事中最巧妙的手法莫过于周和苏扮演着想象中他们背叛的伴侣在一起的场景。“你有情妇吗?”
- The most ingenious device in the story is the way chow and su play-act imaginary scenes between their cheating spouses . " Do you have a mistress ? "
- 他们没怎么考虑过家保不懂福建这个地区的方言也不喜欢当地菜这个事实,苏先生说他从来没想到这男孩是拐来的。
- They did not think much of the fact that jiabao did not understand the dialect spoken in that part of fujian and seemed indifferent to the local cuisine . Mr. su insisted that he never imagined that the boy had been stolen .
- 这样,苏小姐的通话费用仅仅为每分钟2.86元人民币,约合44美分,和使用德国sim卡相比,只是很小的一部分。
- As a result , ms. su 's calls home cost as little as 2.86 renminbi , or 44 cents , a minute , a small fraction of what a call using the german sim card would run .
- 故事中最巧妙的手法莫过于周和苏扮演着想象中他们背叛的伴侣在一起的场景。“你有情妇吗?”
- The most ingenious device in the story is the way chow and su play-act imaginary scenes between their cheating spouses . " Do you have a mistress ? "
- 他们没怎么考虑过家保不懂福建这个地区的方言也不喜欢当地菜这个事实,苏先生说他从来没想到这男孩是拐来的。
- They did not think much of the fact that jiabao did not understand the dialect spoken in that part of fujian and seemed indifferent to the local cuisine . Mr. su insisted that he never imagined that the boy had been stolen .
- 这样,苏小姐的通话费用仅仅为每分钟2.86元人民币,约合44美分,和使用德国sim卡相比,只是很小的一部分。
- As a result , ms. su 's calls home cost as little as 2.86 renminbi , or 44 cents , a minute , a small fraction of what a call using the german sim card would run .
- 慢慢的走,深呼吸。
- Go slowly and breathe deeply .
- 但是那些炸弹沉降了多深呢?
- But how deeply buried are they ?
- 我深深感谢你们所有人的支持。
- I deeply appreciate all your support .