- 突然,一个红色警告灯亮了。
- Suddenly , a red warning light turned on .
- 让你的拍摄对象置身光线中。
- Place your subject facing the light .
- 我们的街道在信号灯的另一边。
- Our street is beyond the traffic light .
- 云层为白色和淡蓝色。
- Clouds are white and pale blue .
- 我从没见过如此苍白无色的人。
- I had never seen anyone so pale .
- 熊猫的粪便呈淡绿色,看起来有点像成卷的细枝条。
- Panda droppings are pale green and look a little like bundles of twigs .
- 短睡眠者通常会很瘦并且新陈代谢很快。
- Short sleepers also tend to be thin and have faster metabolisms .
- 在镜头里,时装模特们看起来瘦得令人担忧。
- On camera , fashion models look worryingly thin .
- 难怪你会这么瘦,你吃得好少啊。
- No wonder you 're so thin , you eat so little .
- 总统显得虚弱但仍然机警。
- The president looked weak but alert .
- 董事会软弱无能甚至根本不存在。
- Boards are weak and disorganised .
- 民运的同盟者看起来也很虚弱。
- The mdc 's allies look weak too .
- 他们的锻炼是零星而温和的。
- Exercise was sporadic and mild .
- 接下来只有几个较为温和的问题。
- Only a few more mild questions followed .
- 虽然很多国家有轻微的通货紧缩,投资者还是很焦虑。
- Although many countries are experiencing mild deflation , investors fret .
- 在二十世纪初期,人们认为溃疡是由压力和过度的胃酸引起的,告诉患者多休息,多吃清淡食品。
- In the early 20th century , ulcers were thought to be caused by stress and excess stomach acid , and sufferers were told to rest and eat bland food .
- 随着冬日的临近,我周围的意大利人患上了各种各样独具意大利特色的疾病,这些病症让我们英国人名目有限的感冒和流感听上去就像我们的饭菜一样平淡无味。
- As winter draws in , those around me are suffering from a range of distinctly italian ailments , that make our limited british colds and flus sound as bland as our food .
- 他们痛恨自由党政府三只军队的合并,这就给了他们如同他们名字一样枯燥乏味的统一绿色制服。
- They hated the merger by a liberal government of the three forces , which gave them all green uniforms as bland as their names .