- 怎么像一个过滤器一样来应用它?
- How does this apply as a filter ?
- 而因特网更成了好的新闻过滤器。
- The internet offers an even finer filter .
- 我需要它帮我过滤来电者.
- I need it to filter out callers .
- 这么做将增加金融市场的压力。
- That will add strain to financial markets .
- 国家的经济正承受着压力。
- The economy is feeling the strain .
- 科学家们正致力于开发一种新的疫苗。
- Scientists are working on developing a vaccine against the new strain .
- 最后在表面上撒上一些巧克力碎沫。
- Sprinkle drinking chocolate over the surface .
- 如果有需要,还可以撒上肉桂,在上面放上苹果薄片。
- Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired and top with a thinly sliced apple .
- 在一个碗里把燕麦片和碎的杏仁搅混,洒到一个8x12寸的内里有蜡纸的平底锅。
- Mix oats and chopped almonds in a bowl and sprinkle over an 8 x 12-inch pan lined with wax paper .
- 我给你们再倒点茶。
- Let me pour you some more tea .
- 他应许要将他的爱倾注于我们的心里。
- And he promises to pour his love into our hearts .
- 用洗发水洗发,然后将柠檬水倒在头发上。
- Shampoo your hair , and then pour the lemonade on .
- 在淋浴房/浴缸时比平时多呆5分钟。
- Stay in the shower / bath 5 minutes longer than usual .
- 你们可能看过阵雨。
- You may have seen a meteor shower .
- 上班前打一场阵雨。
- Hit a shower before getting to work .
- 肺部淋癌的需要注意哪些方面?
- Which aspect does the lung drench the cancer need paying attention to ?
- 官方媒体同时会在全国展开铺天盖地的支持政府的宣传。
- State-owned media can meanwhile drench the country in pro-government propaganda .
- 我们的神虽然用灾祸压伤我们,却要用怜悯医治我们。
- Our god may drench us with grief , but he will refresh us with mercy .