- 黄土丘陵沟壑区不同水保措施条件下土壤水分状况。
- Soil water condition under different measures of soil and water conservation in loess hilly and gully region .
- 后面的人都慢慢地赶上来了,他们用自己背负的十字架搭在沟上,做成桥,从容不迫地跨越了沟壑。
- People are slowly behind to catch up and they bear the cross with their own ride in the ditch on the bridge made leisurely crossed the gully .
- 米列霍夫,让你的人整队,带他们到风磨沟去。
- Melekhov , line up your hundred and lead them to yerokhin gully .
- 她连同那些珠宝一起掉进峡谷里了。
- She went into the ravine , together with the jewels .
- 还记得那群在山谷里被警察找到的家伙吗
- Remember the guys the police found in the lumbiere ravine ?
- 除了可以避免灾难的发生以及绕过崎岖的道路,该探测器还能够跳入环形山或是沟壑的底部进行样品分析和图片拍摄,之后再跳出。
- Apart from avoiding hazards and rough ground , it would be able to jump into the bottom of a crater or ravine to analyse samples and take photographs , and then jump out again .