- 木质墙板如绸缎般光滑,客厅里洋溢着一种现代的男性风格,其中掺杂着些许颓废的气息。
- All satin and glossy wood panels , the living room has a modern , masculine flair with just a whiff of decadence .
- 在马杰拉精品店,顾客最后拿走的不是光亮的手提袋,而是白色帆布袋;设计工作室的员工穿着类似实验室工作服的白大褂。
- In margiela boutiques , instead of a glossy carrier bag , purchases are taken away in white canvas sacks , and the staff in the design studios wear white coats that resemble lab coats .
- 这只动物在贴着地表油亮一片的美洲鬼臼间穿过,留下了一条通路,由此可以看出其大小这就足以让她心跳加速了。
- She knew the animal 's size from the path it had left through the glossy undergrowth of mayapples , and that was enough to speed up her heart .
- 血具有营养和滋润的作用,对于维持人的生命具有极重要意义。
- Blood functions to nourish and moisten the body.it is vital to the maintenance of life .
- 因为我们自己的心田,也需要不断地滋润和慰藉。
- Because our own heart , also need to be moisten constantly with comfort .
- 被用于的设备弄湿邮票和标签。
- Device used to moisten postage stamps and labels .
- 或许仅凭这一点便能保证航行顺利。
- That alone could ensure smooth sailing .
- 这些镜子是无情的,像柏油一样光滑。
- These mirrors are cruel and smooth as asphalt .
- 向保湿霜中加入一滴茶树油可以保持皮肤光滑。
- Add a drop to your moisturizing cream to keep your skin smooth .
- 你能同意这项建议吗?
- Are you agreeable to the proposal ?
- 一种令人愉快或有趣的谈论。
- An agreeable or amusing remark .
- 把你的妻子也带来,如果她愿意的话。
- Bring your wife too , if she 's agreeable .