- 从600万亡灵的微小菌落生命流,取出内脏,教好莱坞如何注入一个旋转的视觉诗歌动作片的情节剧。
- From a tiny colony of 6 million souls came a stream of vital , eviscerating melodramas that taught hollywood how to infuse action films with a whirling visual poetry .
- 我们之中你选了serena?
- Did you choose serena over me ?
- 士兵们可以在多种饭菜中挑选。
- Soldiers can choose among several dishes .
- 今天就选一款经常用吧。
- Choose one for your regular usage today .
- 你们岂不知像我这样的人必能占卜吗,
- Wot ye not that such a man as I can certainly divine ?
- 徒3:17(clv)弟兄们,我晓得你们这样对待耶稣是出於无知,就好像你们的领袖一样。
- Acts 3:17 ( kjv ) and now , brethren , I wot that through ignorance ye did it , as did also your rulers .
- 那人答道,它哪是我的兄弟,它是给我服务的驮东西的牲畜。
- And the man answered , I wot not that he is my brother , is he not a beast of burden and made to serve me ?