- 真实的战争在长时间的消耗战以后来临。
- The real war came after a slow war of attrition .
- 在这几个月的消耗战以后,阿萨德的支持者和反对者之间已经没什么共同点了。
- After months of that slow war of attrition , those who opposed assad and those who supported him had very little left in common .
- 聚焦于素季小姐与军政府之间的消耗战,我们很容易忽视的少数族裔政治反对派的角色,zawacki先生说。
- By focusing on the war of attrition between miss suu kyi and the junta , it is easy to overlook the role of ethnic minorities in opposition politics , says mr zawacki .