- 夏天快要结束了,很快我们就将更多的停留在我们的安乐窝中,围坐在噼啪作响的壁炉旁享受热巧克力了。
- The summer is almost over and soon we will all be bundled up in our cozy homes and enjoying the crackling fire with hot chocolate in hand .
- 看台上坐满了观众,大家正在某个宜人的夏日观看伦敦奥运会比赛,熟悉的伦敦地标式建筑在场馆背景中闪现。
- The stands are full of spectators enjoying the olympic action on a glorious summer day with a familiar london landmark resplendent in the background .
- 遇难者包括捕鱼人和农夫是一些智利最穷破的人还有那些享受国家暑假最后几星期的露营者和背包旅行者。
- The victims included fishermen and farm workers-some of chile 's poorest people-as well as campers and backpackers who had been enjoying the last week of the country 's summer holidays .
- 三月,国家独立调查机构林恩泰勒人力顾问公司调查揭示,每天工人们要花费将近三个小时去担心他们的工作命运。
- A national independent survey lynn taylor consulting released in march revealed that workers spend nearly three hours a day worrying about their job fate .
- 10月23日发出遇险信号时,钱德勒夫妇正驾驶着自己的游艇“林恩对手”号前往坦桑尼亚。
- The chandlers were heading for tanzania in their yacht , the lynn rival , when a distress signal was sent on 23 october .
- 洛杉矶加州大学的林恩瓦雷克说,这样一种僵局是可以预料的。
- Such a stalemate is to be expected , says lynn vavreck of the university of california , los angeles .