- 她被悲恨无情的海涛毁灭了自己,又想到别人也可能会被夺走年轻的生命,因此不断地从西山衔来一条条小树枝、颗颗小石头,丢进海里,想要把大海填平。
- She drive sad hated the heartless sea waves to demolish the oneself , and then thought of that the other people also may be capture the young life , so come to a sprig , a stone head from the west mountain title constantly , throwing into the nautical mile , wanting to fill up the ocean .
- 一纳米是十亿分之一米。
- One nm is one-1billionth meter .
- 实验证明百叶窗式纳米亲水翅片要比常规的平板型翅片提高100%以上的换热效果。
- Experiments proved that the heat transfer efficiency of the louvered fin with nm hydrophilic film is 100 % higher than the conventional straight fin .
- 当纳米亲水膜冷凝器被清洗后,其外观犹如新的一样,其换热效果当然不受任何影响。
- After being cleaned , the surface of nm hydrophilic film condensers is just as bran-new one , whose heat transfer efficiency certainly can not be affected .