- 古代特雷斯海峡岛民像澳大利亚土著居民一样,他们也不会制造陶罐。
- Ancient torres strait islanders , like australian aboriginals did not make pots .
- 它现在远远的漂流在格林兰和加拿大之间一个叫做纳勒斯海峡的区域。
- It is now drifting in a remote area called the nares strait between greenland and canada .
- 美国五角大楼表示,干扰经由霍尔木兹海峡的油轮的航运是不能被容忍的。
- The pentagon said interfering with the passage of vessels through the strait will not be tolerated .
- 企业信贷渠道的运转速度更为缓慢。
- The corporate credit channel works more slowly .
- 该渠道是在2009年10月6日正式启用的。
- The channel launched on october 6 2009 .
- 一条更窄却更有意思的人民币回流渠道也同时开启。
- A smaller but more interesting back channel also opened last month .
- 一切听起来都那么熟悉。
- The situation may sound familiar .
- 这或许听起来同样疯狂。
- This may also sound crazy .
- 这听起来像是巫术。
- This may sound like voodoo .
- 马拉斯说碳酸饮料会导致食道长期处于酸性环境的胃回流。
- Mallath says that fizzy drinks can lead to gastric reflux which causes the gullet to become acidic for long periods .
- 同时日本的科研人员也发现每天仅需要一杯咖啡便可以将患上口腔和食道癌症的危险降低一半。
- And japanese scientists found just one cup a day could nearly halve the risk of dangerous cancers affecting the mouth and gullet .
- 喝茅台酒会让你熟悉酒是如何瞬间从食道流至血液的感觉。
- Drinking moutai familiarizes you with how instantaneously alcohol can go from gullet to bloodstream .