

impetuous    impulsive    


Mr saakashvili is an impetuous nationalist who has lately tarnished his democratic credentials .
On the other hand , what if israel does launch an impetuous attack , in defiance of mr obama 's plea for time ?
Calm and conciliatory pragmatism is welcome after george bush 's impetuous moral certitude , but it also carries risks . Critics on the american right are wrong to carp at mr obama 's bowing to kings and emperors .
Now traffic is more evenly distributed as people pick up their tablets anytime of the week , buying the books and albums they see on television and making impulsive decisions about replacing their dishwashers .
Are religious fanatic suicide bombers , terminally ill people who want to end it all , and impulsive individuals who can 't think at the moment of a better way to deal with their acute distress all mentally ill ?
While some suicide attempts are carefully planned over time , others are impulsive acts that have not been well thought out ; thus , the final point in the box above may be a valuable long-term strategy for people with bipolar disorder .