- 允许人民币自由浮动并非没有代价。
- To float the renminbi is not costless .
- 在阳光普照的摩加迪沙港口,七只帆船和三艘货轮漂浮在水面上。
- Seven dhows and three freighters float in the sunlit port of mogadishu .
- 硅藻会在营养丰富的水溶液中漂浮且会在阳光下产生油。
- Diatoms would float about in a nutrient-rich water solution and produce oil when exposed to sunlight .
- 基因漂变甚至可以抵消自然选择。
- Genetic drift can even counteract natural selection .
- 许多生物变化源于基因的随机漂变而非主动选择。
- Much change is due to random genetic drift rather than positive selection .
- 但是金还不能确定,发育漂变是否也出现在人类身上。
- Prof kim cannot yet say whether developmental drift occurs in humans .
- 在宾馆的泳池可以游几圈。
- Swim laps in the hotel pool .
- 来吧小老虎,和我一起游.
- Come my tiger , swim with me .
- 我真觉得她会游泳么?
- Did I think she could swim ?