- 养殖冬芒狸是一条很好的致富门路访湖南农业大学康梦松教授。
- Breeding wintry awn racoon dog is become rich very well knack -- visits kang mengsong of hunan agriculture college to teach .
- 沙漠中的狐狸养了一窝小狐狸,小狐狸长到能独自捕食的时候,母狐狸把它们统统赶了出去。
- The fox in desert raised a brood of small fox , when small fox grows to be able to prey alone , bitch racoon dog drove them completely go out .
- 不同粗蛋白质和赖氨酸水平颗粒饲料对生长期乌苏里貉生长性能的影响。
- Effects of pellet diets with different levels of crude protein and lysine on growth performance of wusuli racoon dogs during the growing period .