- 浙江信泰集团就是一个很好的例子。
- Zhejiang center group is a case in point .
- 陆挺指出,仅浙江一省就有759个地方政府融资平台。
- Lu notes that zhejiang alone has 759 such local government financing vehicles .
- 在企业家精神与资源结合方面,浙江省的工作做得比较好。
- Zhejiang has done a better job in matching its entrepreneurship with resources .
- 浙江建德县的经验,一切合作社都可以采用。
- All co-operatives can draw upon the experience of chienteh county in chekiang province .
- 根据五个地点21个样地的统计,组成浙江常绿阔叶林的维管束植物共约428种,分属于105科,225属。
- According the notes of 21 plots from five places in the broad-leaf evergreen forest of chekiang province about 428 species of vascular plant were calculated , which belong to 105 families and 225 genera .
- 竺可桢带领下的国立浙江大学。
- National chekiang university , national university of chekiang .