- 荷兰人wimhof因为冰雪人而成名,他能在冰层下游泳、站在装满冰的桶里。
- Dutchman wim hof , also known as the iceman , is the man that swam under ice , and stood in bins filled with ice .
- 荷兰人wimhof因为冰雪人而成名,他能在冰层下游泳、站在装满冰的桶里。
- Dutchman wim hof , also known as the iceman , is the man that swam under ice , and stood in bins filled with ice .
- 荷兰人wimhof因为冰雪人而成名,他能在冰层下游泳、站在装满冰的桶里。
- Dutchman wim hof , also known as the iceman , is the man that swam under ice , and stood in bins filled with ice .