- 一九二八年任日军步兵联队长,曾参加日军侵占济南的战争,是济南惨案的刽子手。
- In 1928 , as commanding officer of a japanese infantry regiment , he took part in the war in which japan attacked and seized tsinan and was the butcher in the tsinan massacre .
- 日本帝国主义为阻止英美势力向北方发展,出兵山东,侵占济南、青岛和胶济路沿线,截断津浦铁路。
- The japanese imperialists then occupied tsinan , the provincial capital of shantung , and cut the tientsin-pukow railway line to check the northward spread of british and american influence .
- 从春秋战国时期以至于明清,随着政治地位的不断抬升,济南由最初的一个军事堡垒发展为“齐鲁首郡”。
- From spring and autumn period and warring states to ming and qing dynasty , tsinan was developing from a military fortress at first to the first county of qilu along with its rise of political status .