- 另一份政府调查报告显示,房市仍然处于低迷状态。
- Another government survey showed the housing market remains in the doldrums .
- 国际货币基金组织公布了一份关于借款和存款的金融准入的调查报告。
- The imf publishes a financial access survey of depositors and borrowers .
- 一周前,一项调查报告向人们揭示了一个重要的事实。
- Another week , another survey purporting to reveal great truths about ourselves .
- 公司注册机构既不受反洗钱规章的制约,也无需上报经它们注册或者管理的公司的可疑活动。
- Formation agents are neither covered under anti-money-laundering rules nor required to report suspicious activity by firms they have established or administer .
- 无论你的政策多么开明,若没有人去加以实施,它们依然毫无价值。
- However enlightened your policies , they are worth nothing without people to administer them .
- 心理咨询师同时要能实施一些测试和评估,这些测试和评估有助于诊断某种特殊情况或者理解病人的思想、感觉和行为。
- Psychologists also administer tests and assessments that can help diagnose a condition or help understand how the person thinks , feels and behaves .