- 上述估计在我看来低得有些离谱。
- That estimate seems unrealistically low to me .
- 联合国官员对于这样的估计不做争辩。
- U.n. officials do not dispute that estimate .
- 我们最终的估计是65岁。
- Our estimate for this exercise : 65 .
- 当然,我们不能仅凭一年的气温来推测全球气温的变化趋势。
- Of course , you can 't infer trends in global temperatures from one year 's experience .
- 研究员们还可以从这个外壳结构中推测出关于形成(过程的)时间表。
- The researchers could also infer from the shell 's structure a timetable for its creation .
- 发现一种动物以何为食的直接证据非常的有价值,我们不用再从它们的牙齿形状来推测它们吃什么了。
- Discovering direct evidence of what a fossil animal ate , rather than having to infer it from details such as the shape of its teeth , is always valuable .