- 倒霉的伯南克不仅造成了金融巨鳄们的倒闭和接踵而至的信用危机(也不排除部分联储和其他的政策的滞后性因素),他还带来了了自上世纪30年代以来最为严重地经济衰退。
- Not only did bernanke get the collapse of the financial titans and the ensuing credit crisis ( albeit partly due to fed and other regulatory lapses ) , but also the worst recession since the 1930s .
- 但是研究人员也承认,终生练习布莱叶文也可以有此效果。
- But the researchers admit that a lifetime of practicing braille could also get the credit .
- 珊瑚因大部分礁石结构而得名,但很大一部分建筑工作是由快速生长的成薄壳状红藻完成的。
- Corals get the credit for most of the reef structure , but much of the construction is done by fast-growing , encrusting red algae .