- 那么,什么是信贷衍生品?
- So what is a credit derivative ?
- 证券衍生品和其他复杂金融工具可以服务于有用的目的。
- Derivative securities and other complex financial instruments can serve useful purposes .
- 最初使用海藻衍生物的一些实验失败了,甚至可能使病情恶化。
- Initial trials using a seaweed derivative failed , and might even have made things worse .
- 没有经济理论告诉你要以房价会一直上涨为基础来衡量抵押衍生物的价值。
- No economic theory suggests you should value mortgage derivatives on the basis that house prices would always rise .
- 第一个是信贷衍生物的爆炸式增长,它保护买方免受违约之风险。
- The first is the explosion of credit derivatives , which protect buyers from the risk of default .
- 这类信用衍生物近年来发展迅速,目前价值达到4300万亿这个令人吃惊的数目。
- These credit derivatives have exploded in recent years , to an outstanding notional amount of $ 43 trillion .