- 参加美国芭蕾舞学院的考试。
- For the school of american ballet .
- 该校在地震前有329名学生。
- The school had 329 students before the earthquake .
- 一些女性高管在孩子的校门口进行远程电话会议。
- Some female executives routinely take calls while outside the school gates .
- 第一组没有服用任何药物。
- One group didn 't receive anything .
- 那么哪一组的进步最大?
- So which group improved the most ?
- 参加或者创办一个小组。
- Join or start a group .
- 妈妈学会了烹饪美国菜式。
- Mom learned to cook american style .
- 钱伯斯培育了一种合伙管理方式。
- Mr chambers cultivates a co-operative management style .
- 根据你的学习方式调节你的学习区。
- Adjust your study space to your style .
- 茨万吉拉伊、穆加贝以及反对党一个较小派系的领导人穆塔姆巴拉之间的谈判在星期二晚上陷入停顿。
- The talks between tsvangirai , mugabe and smaller mdc faction leader arthur mutambara stalled on tuesday night .
- 在罗马政治中,他的家庭与马利安派联系紧密。
- His family were closely connected with the marian faction in roman politics .
- 因为没有朴槿惠一派的支持,这些计划是不可能在国民大会中得到通过的。
- Without the votes of miss park 's faction , these are unlikely to pass the national assembly .