- 因为,它们是生动的和令人垂涎的梦境。
- They exist as vivid and mouthwatering visions .
- 让整幅图画在你的脑海中生动起来。
- Make the image vivid in your mind .
- 当你醒来或睡觉时有过栩栩如生的梦境或幻觉吗?
- Do you have vivid dreams or hallucinations as you fall asleep or wake up ?
- 有些属于写意式的寥寥数笔的勾勒,有些则非常逼真。
- Some are stylized and geometric , others remarkably lifelike .
- 大阪大学机器人学家石黑浩制造了他自己的机器双胞胎,以考察人们在面对格外逼真的机器时作何反应。
- Roboticist hiroshi ishiguro of osaka university built his own mechanical twin to see how humans react to extraordinarily lifelike machines .
- 先前的机器人有逼真的外表,每个细节都重现了真人的特征。
- The previous androids had lifelike appearances , every detail trying to reproduce the features of a real person .