- 人类在几种情况下会变为吸血鬼,比如这个人曾经犯过罪、被埋在了不圣洁的土地里,或者被革除了教籍。
- Humans could become vrykolakas in several ways , for example if the person led a sinful life , was buried in unconsecrated ground , or was excommunicated .
- 人类在几种情况下会变为吸血鬼,比如这个人曾经犯过罪、被埋在了不圣洁的土地里,或者被革除了教籍。
- Humans could become vrykolakas in several ways , for example if the person led a sinful life , was buried in unconsecrated ground , or was excommunicated .
- 她的问题是,她把自己普罗米修斯式的自我中心与她对女儿的期望混为一谈。
- Her problem is rather that she confuses her own promethean egotism with an ambition for her daughters .
- 他们意识到了潜藏在普罗米修斯式的沉迷执著之中的核战争自杀情节,并且,相应地,提出了一个更有吸引力的关于人类社会的构想。
- They perceived the nuclear death-wish that lies at the core of that promethean obsession and , accordingly , they proposed a more becoming human alternative .
- 哲学家、经济学家、社会学家提出的理性人假设之前已经风靡了几个世纪,直到卡尼曼和他的助手,已逝的阿莫斯-特沃斯基(amostversky)展示了他们的研究成果:我们并不像我们自认为的那样理性。
- While philosophers , economists , and social scientists had assumed for centuries that human beings are rational agents-reason was our promethean gift-kahneman and his scientific partner , the late amos tversky , demonstrated that we 're not nearly as rational as we like to believe .