- 但对于另一些人来说,这无疑是另一个独裁者的感觉,而且它对私人信息的干涉丝毫不亚于其极权主义的先辈。
- To others , it smacks of another big brother , no less frightening than its totalitarian ancestors for being in the private sector .
- 我注意到,我最好的创意往往是外部世界没有做好它的主要工作(比如,惊吓我、伤害我或让我感到心情愉悦)的时候涌现的。
- I 've noticed that my best ideas always bubble up when the outside world fails in its primary job of frightening , wounding or entertaining me .
- 现在正在考虑的解决方案简单且优雅-并且具有直接了当的可怕推断.
- The solution currently under consideration is simple in its elegance and downright frightening in its implications .