- 这个女人在家里翻箱倒柜寻找丢失的珠宝。
- The woman ransack ed the house for her lost jewelry .
- 他不想沉湎于怀旧之中,而想要洗劫过去、全力投入未来。
- Rather than wallow in nostalgia , he wants to ransack the past and strike out into the future .
- 一些人同样担心他将会掠夺沃尔沃的知识产权,以此改善吉利不太精巧的汽车。
- Some also fear that he will ransack volvo 's intellectual property to boost geely 's less sophisticated cars .
- 比亚也许正在考虑把他掠夺来的预计2亿美元的战利品藏到何处。
- Now biya may be pondering where to hide his estimated $ 200 million in loot .
- 在虚拟空间抓抢劫犯不是易事,但抢夺回战利品还是可能的。
- Catching the robbers in cyberspace is not as easy , but snatching the loot is possible .
- 理财经理和个人理财顾问们会不断地打电话过来,渴望打理你的“战利品”。
- Wealth managers and private bankers will call incessantly , hungry to look after your loot .
- 可是在有些地方使用半自动步枪狩猎是违法的。
- It is illegal in some countries to hunt with a semiautomatic rifle .
- 或者你不得不利用你的文字之枪为自已辩解你根本就没有说谎?
- Or are you forced to rifle through your words and excuse yourself for not lying overtly ?
- 与他的战友们不同的是,面显苍白的21岁米林确实手中无枪。
- Unlike his colleagues , the pale 21-year-old held no rifle in his hands .