- 供职于微软的seannolan解释说,这种商业模式依赖于一种技术,即基于目标用户的搜索。
- Sean nolan of microsoft explains that the business model depends on one thing : targeted search .
- 跟许多他们科技界的同伴,包括之前在facebook的同事markzuckerberg和seanparker一样,他们俩都不是富二代。
- Like many of their technology peers , including their former facebook colleagues mark zuckerberg and sean parker , neither was to the manner born .
- 据facebook上市申请资料显示,该公司前总裁帕克(seanparker)在3月31日之后的一次私下交易中卖出了逾360万股股票。
- Former facebook president sean parker unloaded more than 3.6 million shares in a private transfer after march 31 , according to facebook 's ipo filings .