- 游客挤到印度的阿格拉观看举世闻名的泰姬陵.
- Tourists flock to agra to see the world-famous taj mahal .
- 在以泰姬陵而闻名的亚格拉城,很多当地人热衷在水池中做瑜伽,在水中做瑜伽比在陆地上做难度更大,但同时可以提高身体的浮力和灵活性。
- In the city of agra , famed for the taj mahal , legions of locals perform their " asanas , " or postures , in a pool , which makes them more challenging than on land , and also boosts buoyancy and flexibility .
- 泰戈尔的诗中描述泰姬陵是“永恒脸颊上的一滴泪”。坐落于印度城市阿格拉的泰姬陵,是沙贾汗为纪念他的第二任妻子慕塔芝玛尔塔所建,她在1631年诞下他们的第十四个孩子后离世。
- Described by indian poet rabindranath tagore as ' a teardrop on the face of eternity ' , the taj mahal in agra was built by emperor shah jahan as a memorial for his second wife , mumtaz mahal , who died giving birth to their 14th child in 1631 .