- 我怎样使人在这个家里保持平静?
- How can I convince others to stay peaceful at home ?
- 参与者说抗议是和平的。
- Participants say the protests were peaceful .
- 他很平静,即便是面对敌人时也那样。
- He 's peaceful , even when confronting an enemy .
- 确保他是安全的然后就不要理会了。
- Make sure she 's safe and then ignore .
- 投资者还竞相购买被视为安全的资产。
- Investors also rushed to buy assets seen as safe .
- 挤在一起是保护自身安全的唯一方式。
- Huddling together was the only way to stay safe .
- 你会感受到宽阔和平静。
- You will feel spacious and calm .
- 最近的外交则带来了更多的平静。
- Recent diplomacy has brought more calm .
- 我告诫自己要冷静下来。
- I told myself to calm down .
- 展现自信的风采,而不要过于自大。
- Shows confidence without being overly arrogant .
- 显然,这是一个傲慢的回答。
- Obviously , that 's an arrogant reply .
- 其实当你拼命作出分析的时候,你是极其自大的。
- When you analyze something to death you are being extremely arrogant .
- 您觉得最浪费的是什么?
- What do you find most wasteful ?
- 大多数公司也都是如此。
- It 's the same in most companies .
- 大多数居民都有工作。
- Most of the residents have outside jobs .
- 为什么泰国的境况如此糟糕?
- Why does thailand fare so badly ?
- 泰国大面积国土被洪水淹没。
- Much of thailand is under water .
- 泰国有时是个危险的地方。
- Thailand can be a vicious place .
- 戴尚志是一位新加坡学者,他全面诠释了亚洲视角;该地区在历史上常常遭到外来者的殖民。
- Simon tay , a singaporean academic , fleshes out an asian perspective in an area too often colonised by outsiders .
- 越战中对圣泰的袭击就是特种部队直接行动的典型事例。
- The raid at son tay during the vietnam ware typifies a special forces direct action mission .
- 在到达的时候,美国军人发现战俘已经被转移到了其它集中营,圣泰的水井已经被抽干,营地面临着被上涨的河水淹没的威胁。
- Within moments of arriving , us soldiers discovered the pows had been subsequently moved to another camp ; son tay 's water well had run dry and a rising river threatened to flood the camp .