- 这个析取句是假的,但却是有意义的;并且它不包含打算给《韦弗莱》的作者命名的任何表达式。
- This alternation is false , but meaningful and it contains no expression purporting to name the author of waverley .
- 所有片断都配有解释的字幕,在《每日电讯报》网站上都能看到,同时还有一个采访卡车司机的视频,这个人把这些材料递给一个日本新闻机构--当然为了保护自己,他用了一个假名字kimdong-cheol。
- Both clips , with explanatory subtitles , can be seen on the telegraph website , along with a video interview with a lorry-driver who has begun supplying such material to a japanese news agency - using a false name , kim dong-cheol , to protect his identity .
- 耶和华对我说,那些先知托我的名说假预言,我并没有打发他们,没有吩咐他们,也没有对他们说话。他们向你们预言的,乃是虚假的异象和占卜,并虚无的事,以及本心的诡诈。
- Then the lord said to me , the prophets say false words in my name , and I gave them no orders , and I said nothing to them : what they say to you is a false vision and wonder-working words without substance , the deceit of their hearts .