- 他眼泪汪汪地说道。
- He said through his tears .
- 泪水模糊了我的眼睛。
- Tears gathered in my eyes .
- 吴景彪的泪水激发了网友的同情。
- His tears triggered sympathy online .
- 她在默默地流泪,用印花布围裙的一角擦拭着眼泪,不时地强忍住一声长长的、颤颤的呜咽。
- She was weeping silently the corner of her calico apron lifted to her eyes occasionally suppressing a long quivering sob .
- 夜幕笼罩了佛罗伦萨,我在获得一种能克服所有事情的智慧,除了泪水涌上了我的双眼,还有诗歌的一阵巨大的呜咽声从我的体内涌起,让我忘记了世界的真理。
- As that eve ning fell over florence , I was moving toward a wisdom where everything had already been overcome , except that tears came into my eyes and a great sob of poetry welling up within me made me forget the world 's truth .
- 大部分客户是加州自由思想者和电影明星,他们会赤裸着坐进24小时让人精神紧张,神秘的过山车环绕,俯冲,参加者会发出尖叫,叫喊,哭泣,来宣泄他们内心的恐惧。
- Clients , mostly california free-thinkers and movie stars , would sit naked in a circle and dive headlong into a 24-hour emotional and mystical rollercoaster during which participants would scream and yell and sob and confess their innermost fears .
- 为什么我哭着把爱吁求?
- Why am I crying after love ?
- 你哭号到了他们耳中变成了音乐。
- Your crying 's music to their ears .
- 这就是你为什么哭吗?
- Then why are you crying ?