- 按照彭罗斯的现世模型,这些涟漪不会被新的爆炸所摧毁。
- In the penrose model of reality these ripples are not abolished by a new big bang .
- 圣乌尔法北部的土地像涟漪一样荡漾到横穿土耳其南部山脉的第一个山脚下,也就是著名的底格里斯河与幼发拉底河的发祥地。
- North of anl urfa the ground ripples into the first foothills of the mountains that run across southern turkey , source of the famous tigris and euphrates rivers .
- 他建议采用电动机或者有形状记忆功能的材料来反复击打软体契形翅膀的末端,让水产生向后的涟漪从而获得向前的推力。
- He suggests using electric motors or shape-memory materials to repeatedly flick the end of a flexible , wedge-shaped wing , creating a wave that ripples backwards and generates forward thrust .