- 春天里一个清爽宜人的周五夜晚,在巴黎市郊boulogne-billancourt地区一个卖止痛药的药店所在楼房的地下室里,十几个人各就各位,例行每周必做的一件事情,就是看着某个欧洲人实现一夜暴富的梦想。
- On a cool and clear spring friday night , in the basement of an anodyne office building in the paris suburb of boulogne-billancourt , about a dozen people took their places to go through the weekly ritual of making one european rich beyond his wildest dreams .
- 春天里一个清爽宜人的周五夜晚,在巴黎市郊boulogne-billancourt地区一幢其貌不扬的办公楼的地下室里,十几个人各就各位,例行每周公事使一个欧洲人一夜暴富的愿望得以实现。
- On a cool and clear spring friday night , in the basement of an anodyne office building in the paris suburb of boulogne-billancourt , about a dozen people took their places to go through the weekly ritual of making one european rich beyond his wildest dreams .
- 这也是济慈的名言-秋天是“雾的季节”背后的原因:夜晚清晰的天空和下降的温度冷却了地面,又进一步冷却了潮湿的空气,造成雾慢慢地在原野上散布,在山谷中穿行。
- This is why autumn is , in john keats 's famous phrase , the " season of mists " : the clear skies and dropping temperatures of the nights cool the earth , which in turn cools the humid air , sending mist smoking across fields or snaking up valleys .
- 耶和华膏你作为以色列的王。
- The lord anointed you king over israel .
- 你对饺子王是什么看法?
- What do you think of dumpling king ?
- 国王的船有没有失事?
- Has the king been shipwrecked ?